Class 7: Align with Spirit Experience
A meditation to take it further

Align with Theta frequencies where all possibilities are born. Create your intention and magnetize it to your soul vibration.

Rita Black will be joining us to share a powerful hypnosis session that will work with your subconscious to open to the doors to seeing and feeling the wealth of abundance that you already possess which can trigger a wider opening to atrracting even more in all areas of your life.

After our group class this was what Valerie shared: ...ALSO, I, too, responded 1 1/2 weeks ago to sign me up for the Awakening Abundance group...and this last Wednesday night I won $2,500.00 at our Raffle to support our Athletic Program!!!! It occurred to me that the group had not even yet started!? Simply AMAZING! Many Blessings- Valerie

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